
PostHeaderIcon California - Rufus Wainwright

california california
your such a wonder that i think ill stay in bed
big time rollers part time models
so much to plunder that i think ill sleep instead.
i dont know this sea of neon
thousand surfers
whiffs of freon
and big nights back east with rhoda
california please
theres a moment ive been saving
a kind of crucifix around this munchkin land
up north freezing little me drooling
thats entertainment on at eight come on ginger
i dont know this sea of neon thousand surfers
whiffs of freon
and my new grandma bea arthur
come on over
aint it a shame that at the top peanut butter and jam
they served you
aint it a shame that at the top still those
soft skinned boys can bruise you yes i fell
for a streaker
i dont know this sea of neon thousand surfers
whiffs of freon
aint it a shame that all the world cant enjoy your mad traditions
aint it a shame all the world dont got keys to their own ignition
life is the longest death in california
your such a wonder that i think ill stay in bed
so much to plunder that i think ill sleep instead
your such a wonder that i think ill stay in bed
so much to plunder that i think ill sleep instead

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Sou simpática, embora ás vezes tenha cara de poucos amigos. Tenho 1,80 só a título informativo... Sou de Escorpião e tenho todas as más e boas qualidades desse lindo signo. Sou brasileira, carioca e orgulhosamente Flamenguista e Benfiquista. Tenho os meus traumas e dramas, por isso não há melhor lugar no mundo para falar deles, do que aqui!!

Ajudar a Teresa e a Helena

Helena Maria Mestre Paixão
conta BPI: 1-3806134.000.001
NIB: 0010.0000.3806.1340.0016.8

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